Astrophysicist No. 1 exhibition at Moscow Planetarium

An expert in solar physics, radio astronomy and upper atmosphere physics, author of nine books and over 300 academic papers, Iosif Shklovsky made an outstanding contribution to the search for extraterrestrial civilisations and most branches of modern astrophysics. He is an Honorary Doctor of the Paris Observatory, member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Great Britain and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the US National Academy of Sciences, and the International Academy of Astronautics.

Moscow Planetarium guests will learn about the scientist’s life and work, and will see his books and publications. A special section of the exhibition will feature drawings, caricatures and other art pieces by Iosif Shklovsky, which show another of his remarkable talents.

The exhibition will open on 31 August on the lower level of the Planetarium’s classical Urania Museum. Admission for ticket holders only. Entry to the Large Star Hall will start one hour before the beginning of the show.

